Kathy Stover, on our previous cover, can be seen in a new Coors Light commercial. The commercial features all kinds of water sports, but unfortunately overlooked windsurfing. Stover’s cover has rekindled her passion for the sport and she has been seen windsurfing everyday off the beaches of The Moorings in Islamorada. Her agent mailed the magazine to various corporations and she has received sponsorship from several of the companies, including Nike and Ray Ban. Her windsurfing buddies are pretty upset, since they’ve been sailing for more than 14 years and have gotten no more than a handful of stickers. The down side of it all has been that Stover has been losing modeling jobs because of her “boom hands” and, say her friends, “It’s coming to a decision, and we’re afraid windsurfing is going to win.’’
A Blasphemous Way
A few months ago I received a fax from the offices of North Sails, Germany. It contained a rough print of an ad they were considering, In it they wanted to show a maneuver by my son Josh and name it the “Jesus Christ.”
My reaction at the time was mixed with disbelief that any company would consider using Christ’s name in such a blasphemous way.
However, they gave me the opportunity to fax them my thoughts. I sent them my beliefs and convictions that Jesus Christ is Lord and God.
I was hopeful that because they had given me this chance, that they might be considerate enough to withdraw the ad concept. I didn’t hear back and assumed it was a dead issue.
What a shock to look in your Winter/Spring issue and have feelings of pride at seeing my son’s face, quickly turning to grief at the context which accompanied the photo.
If you study death by crucifixion you will find that it is one of the most torturous, excruciating and lengthy forms of capital punishment ever practiced by man.
It therefore makes light of the supreme sacrifice that our God made when he chose to suffer on the cross for the benefit of mankind.
I believe that it shows very poor judgment by anyone involved in the production of this ad and I sincerely hope that North Sails will discontinue it.
My greater hope is that anyone who has been influenced or taken notice of this ad will discover who Jesus Christ is. (John 3:16) Sincerely, because of God’s Grace. Ed Angulo Paia, Maui, HI
Highest Compliment!
I have just finished reading the second issue of your outstanding magazine and I wanted to pass along a few comments to you and your staff. I think the highest compliment I can give to you and the American Windsurfer crew is that I enjoyed every page of your magazine—even though I have never windsurfed!!!
While it is possible that there are many reasons that caused me to enjoy your publication, I think the real reasons were the writing and photography. The writing was fresh and creative (and as a struggling author I can really appreciate that!) and the photography is stunning— as good or better than any I have seen! Scott Sargentt Exeter, NH
A Magazine Scam!
What the $%#@& are you thinking? Another windsurfing magazine?
I get it… you need more to do. Yeah, that’s it. Running a business, writing articles, shooting pictures, sailing races, and all that stuff with USPAMORE $$ or whatever that organization is now called, can’t be enough to keep you off the streets.
Nooo, you have to go publish a windsurfing magazine. And it’s big! I mean, who cares if it’s good or anything, it’s so damn big. You’re bound to put two or three of those other (windsurfing) rags under… no one will ever see ’em. Cool!
Of course, the articles were fresh and engrossing, and the photos gorgeous. My artist girlfriend did rave about the layout.
OK, it’s great.
So maybe the sport CAN use a magazine not on the take to “Europlastic Inc..” A magazine that says “windsurfing is fun,” not “windsurfing is dangerous and expensive,” a magazine about people, with articles so well written even non-boardheads will read them.
Is that your plan?
No, no, I’ve got it…you just want your resume to be even longer than Eric Sanford’s… A–ha!
I was back home in NH last fall, and stopped by Ellacoya Beach, but didn’t see you—I hope you still have time to sail.
You know, if it wasn’t for your advice and inspiration back then, I would have quit windsurfing before I got good. I’d still have a high paying job, a nice car, and a big house. I wouldn’t be living in poverty down on this pile of sand (Outer Banks) waiting for the wind to blow my shack over [3.1 times]. Thanks! So that’s IT!!
Now I’m onto your scheme… This magazine is a scam to turn more helpless kooks into shred–zombies. Oh sure, ruining my life wasn’t enough, now you’re going after normal people. Well, I’m blowing the lid off this one! I’d have called “Sixty Minutes” already if the phone hadn’t been disconnected eight weeks ago. But now I have to get back out on (highway) NC12 with my “will work for sails” sign. Brett Landry
Duck, NC
Mistakes so Blatant
Your latest issue is beautiful yet it contains mistakes so blatant, I can not refrain from pointing them out.
Tudor is spelled T-u-d-o-r, not tutor. The event you referred to as the Mistral Nationals in Islamorada is actually called the Holiday Isle Tudor/Mistral Finals. The Mistral nationals were held in Pensacola in October.
Prior to the Finals, we sent numerous press releases, invited you and your staff, paid for some food, arranged free use of boards, and offered accommodations. You were there with two staff members. The lifestyle of the event and the competitive spirit of the 185 competitors who attended the Tudor/Mistral Finals is exactly what the sport needs. The fact that you chose not to write about it is up to you. However, if you are going to mention the event, at least get the title correct!
I think your publication is fantastic! I think you are right on target with your mission and goals. Our company and sponsors share a common desire to get the sport recognized by more than just our core group. Please let me know what we can do to make easier for you to cover our events. Guy W. Britton World Sports & Marketing Winter Park, FL
We are grateful when someone points out a mistake no matter how “blatant” it might be. We do apologize to Tudor and you, the Holiday Isle Tudor/Mistral Finals. It doesn’t matter if we excuse ourselves with the saying “To air (uh…you know what I mean) is human,” it’s still irritating to all involved. I appreciate your offer to make it easier for American Windsurfer to cover your (World Sports/Windsurfing Magazine) events. We did choose to cover your event at Islamorada in the only way we saw fit; in this case, the lasting impression of Robby Naish. Perhaps the coverage was not as prominent as what we did for another one of your events, one we entitled “Bays of Dreams” (Premier Issue, 6 pages). But as for your implication that we owe you one for the invitation, the free use of boards, the food, and offer of accommodations, I want to set the record straight. We did not receive a phone invitation from you until 6 days before the race. We had already made our decision to go to Florida because of two other stories and timed it so that the event could also be taken in. My staff of two and I acquired our own accommodations, paid for our food, flights, and car rentals. The only thing we did (immensely) enjoy was the free loan of equipment from Andy Church and Mistral USA. I am delighted that some of the photographs I took of the Mistral One Design race were used in a big Mamiya Camera ad that is now printed into a poster. ED
Maintaining Standards
I must say that the latest issue of American Windsurfer is a beautiful magazine starting from the front cover, congratulations. I hope you can maintain this standard in the future.
The interview with myself went well and I am happy with the result.
I hope you can continue to build support within the industry because this sport really needs a second strong magazine and I hope American Windsurfer will be that. Neil Pryde Neil Pryde Limited Hong Kong
Some Input
The forecast today is 15-20 from the east so I must make this brief. Congrats on another great effort. Hope you want some input, if not, just trash this! Larry Stanley, interesting… Nevin–great, as usual! Stepping over Sails–very good, but not my favorite part of the sport. Portfolio; final shot, awesome… Lawyer piece was outstanding, but I must tell you the reference to cocaine totally stopped my fantasy ride with this piece. Why must I feel left out because I do not know the sinking feeling of being out of cocaine at three in the morning? You guys should have caught that one…
I sure hope the industry wakes up and begins to feature our sport in all areas, beginning with schooling, NOW. I am the first person to hit the water with my cambered race sail, carbon board and dagger fin, but I also love my summer cruising on my race board in 8-10, and I push that vision to outsiders so they can see that this experience is possible “even for them”. Maybe the AWIA will have some influence and get somewhere someday. The SCUBA industry went through this about 20 years ago. When we started diving it was a “macho” sport; a female with fins was a strange sight— they’ve come a long way, but the powers in the sport made it happen. Oops, too much soap box. Again great job. Don’t forget to go sailing. Anne and Mike Adair John’s Island, SC
Thanks Annie & Mike, your input is always timely and on target. We should have caught the line about cocaine at three in the morning, but we asked Will Harper about it, and he told us to say that he was with Bill and neither one of them inhaled. Please keep up the good work and keep your eyes on us! ED
I just looked through the latest issue of American Windsurfer and I can only say…WOW…it outclasses anything else out there.
As to the Kodak Photography contest, I wonder if there is a way of widening the contest or getting Kodak interested in running another one with prizes that appeal to photographers other than windsurfers (based on the prizes offered). If posters and advertisements were placed/distributed where the general public could see them, it would potentially increase spectatorship at the races as well as stimulate Kodak’s unit sales. Michael Hammer Winnetka, IL
AW on the Road American Windsurfer is the greatest. This American windsurfer is going to Vienna, Prague, Krakow, Budapest, Dublin and the west coast of Ireland. This American windsurfer is a travel and advertising photographer and would like to photograph a “We reach a NEW audience!” campaign for you. I will call in hopes that you will let me send you my portfolio.. Cameron Weise Boulder, CO
Small World, Anyone?
We received issue #2 this week– haven’t had time to thoroughly read it yet, but it looks good! Your photo of Torbole is BEAUTIFUL!
We almost crossed paths there in September. Monty Spindler said you had been at the Conca D’oro shortly before I arrived, on your last evening in Torbole.
As I skimmed through the new issue I stopped at “Early morning, Torbole”–and showed it to the guys who were working at the shop–showing them where we had lived one summer, many years ago– a three-room apartment just above the stairway that leads to the church–back when we were the “hippie family” spending summers touring in a VW bus with four boards on the roof! Torbole was our “second home” for two summers, and is still one of my favorite places.
Then–I looked more closely at the man in the photo…I wish I’d known he was in town when I was there! His name is Gary Rahn, he is an American who has lived in Europe most of his life and in Rome for the last 25 or 30 years. His wife, Ulrike, is German, and she and her son Steven are avid windsurfers! I first met Gary and Steven in 1987 when they came to Kailua for a windsurfing holiday. A few years later, Steven spent a summer in Kailua working in our retail shop. SMALL WORLD, ISN’T IT? Gary worked for many years as a consultant for the United Nations. If he is not on your mailing list, I’m sure he would love to have a copy of the new magazine.
I have a request–if you still have a copy of the first issue, could you send me one? Somehow we never pulled one for ourselves–and the shop sold out quickly! Thanks and aloha, Carol Naish Kailua, HI
Impact at Almanarre
Hello. I am the Neil Pryde distributor for more than ten years, and during my stay in Almanarre World Cup, I have the chance to read your magazine, issue No. 2.
I must say that I was very impressed by your magazine showing another side of our sport. You are exactly in the direction where I think the Windsurf Press has to go. Thank you to show us that this is possible…
Thanks, and best regards, Michel Quistinic Brest, France
Chesapeake Bay
Just got my first issue of American Windsurfer (Vol 2 Issue1), and really love it. And I’ve never windsurfed in my life!
There’s a lot of windsurfing on the Chesapeake Bay, and living in Virginia I’m very close to it. Also I happen to be a photographer [but I don’t own a French 1200mm lens (p31, looks like a Nikkor 600 f/4 to me!?)] who is always willing to get outdoors for some fun photography.
It’s too bad I didn’t know of American Windsurfer three weeks ago when I was passing through your neighborhood on my way to climb Mt. Washington. Oh well. So I’ve enclosed a B&W promo card, a cover of “Boys Life” showing how I can hang on the last foot of a bowsprit, and a little article from National Geographic “World” on dolphin fun. Walter P. Calaham Arlington, VA