FLIGHT FOR LIFE: Hood River Emergency Room nurse Richard Hallman hangs it out at the Hatchery. Rumor has it Hallman bribed an un-named AW staff member with a free dinner to get us to run this shot. Captured with a hand-held Cannon 1D, EF400mm f-4 IS DO lens at. 1/1000th. Photo: John Chao.

Catching the perfect moment on film (pixels, nowadays) can be as thrilling as the sport itself. Ever wonder why many photographers who windsurf will sacrifice a killer session to stand behind the lens? It’s because every once in a while we get lucky and get shots like these. Here are a few favorites chosen by vote in a recent staff meeting. We’ve included some tech info for you aspiring digital shutterbugs out there. ENJOY!

MEXICAN REVOLUTION: Wyatt Miller spins into the sunset at LaVentana, Baja, last winter. The young freestyler’s moves stole the spotlight from an army of kiters who had been hamming for the camera. Captured by a Cannon 1D, 70-200 f-2.8 lens wide open. Speed: 1/1250, ISO = 400. Photo by Jim Semlor.

Sweet honey and the rock: Nathan Merschon at Cape Sebastion, OR Coast, at the ‘03 “XXX” Wave Competition. “I had just walked away from my tripod and massive 600mm lens when I saw Nathan dropping in on an outside roller. With only a 200mm zoom, I had to wade into the ocean, risking $5K in gear to get close enough for this sequence.” Camera: Cannon 10D, 70-200 f-2.8 lens + 1.4x teleconverter. Speed: 1/1500 bumped 1/2 stop. Photo: Will Harper

TAKE THIS BOOM AND… Fredric Steineck, last year’s “XXX” Oregon Champion, executes a perfect “Shove It” at the Hatch. Shot in June of 2004, Steineck was back in the Gorge for the much-anticipated return of the Gorge Games. Captured with a Cannon 1D camera, EF400mm f-4 IS DO lens. Shutterspeed: 1/1000th, ISO = 200. Hand held photo: Jim Semlor