Editor’s Note: 5.2
By John Chao
Recently I stumbled onto a wonderful movie entitled “Contact” where the heroine was accused of Windsurfing across the Universe. (I screamed with laughter when the line referring to windsurfing was delivered by the character played by James Wood.)

WindMaker’s Friends
It is friendship that holds together the pages of this issue and delivers a dynamic testimony to the role it plays in the creative struggles of this publication.
Air Mail

Personal Choices, Poetic Intentions
I just finished reading your article in American Windsurfer and I am very touched. It almost brought me to tears to think you two could have been mistreated so badly by the whole windsurfing community. I am so glad you both have finally been acknowledged.
Makin’ Waves

Trojan Horses and World Titles
What a great idea you say? A great way to grow the sport? Well, great ideas are many. Didn’t your mother tell you that the road to failure is paved with good ideas? . . . or was it hell and something about good intentions? Anyway.

The Transformation of Michael Gebhardt
By John Chao
There are angels whose humanity burdens their cellophane wings. They soar happily while tethered to their genetic whims. They're gifted, filled with talents, yet compromised by brittle shells of flesh.

The Return of the Jedi Jiber
By Michael Gebhardt
Not so long ago, on an island not so far away...a dark invader was establishing a new order among the windy beaches of the Federation and seriously challenging the rebel forces of the Windsurfing Alliance.

Feminine Inspiration
By Tom Byrnes
My wife has a certain sporting sensibility. As someone who will give pretty much anything a go, she’s even tried windsurfing a number of times. But like many women, she’s run into a familiar set of problems with the sport, most of which wind up having to do with me.

Fiji Frenzy
By Dan Atkins
The sailors rendezvoused at the airport and were met by a convoy of trucks and buses to transport them and their equipment to the main port on Nadi. There, the sailors and crew were met by a large cruise ship that was to deliver them to one of the most remarkable event site ever found, Namotu Island.

Naomi & Newman Darby – Part II
By John Chao
The "Origin of Windsurfing" series continues with PART II of Naomi and Newman Darby Interview. The published interview was edited for space limitations. The full, unedited interview is provided here.

Jason Polakow & Scott Carvill Wavesailing JAWS
By Jono Knight
Screamers is a section to showcase windsurfing’s freshest angles. It is here that we applaud those windsurfers who strive to broaden the horizons of our sport by continually venturing into the zone where will power, equipment and environment meet with astonishing results.