Featured Articles

The Windsurfer Who Could Be President
By John ChaoSenator John Kerry was being pulverized by 40 knot winds. His windsurfing buddy cringed at the sight of a United States Senator being tossed around like a rag doll and splattered time and time again onto the forgiving waters of his beloved state of Massachusetts.

John Kerry: Interview
By John ChaoNot being of a political persuasion, I knew little of the Democratic Senator from Massachusetts. So to have an intelligent interview with such a figure, a politician that’s even been said to have presidential aspirations, was indeed out of my league.

Profiles of a Windsurfer
By John ChaoSo you think you know what a windsurfer looks like! Come and meet some of our distinguished beach-bums.
Editor’s Note: 5.5
By John Chao
The phone rnag shortly after 11pm on Monday night. It was Senator John F. Kerry calling from his Washington office. He asked “Hey, what are you doing tomorrow night?”
Air Mail

Working Joe’s, Warning Wows!
Wow! Now let me say it again, WOW! You absolutely blew me away with your dramatic presentation of the windsurfing lifestyle and the people who live it...
Makin’ Waves

A Winner Combination!
The addition of Ken Winner to the American Windsurfer Team on July 1st, 1998, will have great implications for this magazine and the sport. With a three year contract, the signing of Winner is a major commitment to the future.
Country Profile
Country “Wind” Profile

Mr. Darby Goes to Washington
By Alison L. Oswald
Newman Darby sailed into the Archives Center at the National Museum of American History. He arrived this past March to discuss the Smithsonian’s recent acquisition of his archives...
Makin’ Waves

Boardhead Inventors
By John Chao
ROGER JURIEN says he is a typical lazy windsurfer; YVON CHOUINARD is a voice crying in the wilderness for ecological accountability, they are both Boardhead Inventors.

By Gavin Grow
This story began six months ago when I received a “Letter to the Editor” from a young man in Florida. He described his sad story and professed his admiration for our publication.

Profiles of a Windsurfer
By John Chao
So you think you know what a windsurfer looks like! Come and meet some of our distinguished beach-bums.

1997-’98 Kodak Shootout Winners!
Another Year... and the entries for the 1997-1998 Kodak FunSaver Weekend 35 Shootout Contest continue to surprise us!

Darrell Jones: Windsurfer Sharp—Shooter
By Jon Leahy
He has photographed seven continents and over 200 islands, but always comes back to windsurfing

Dancing Waters
By Douglas Faulkner
The waves, these dancing waters, these dancing sprites are not the kind a surfer nor a windsurfer would care to navigate, for they are too treacherous.
Featured Articles

The Windsurfer Who Could Be President
By John Chao
Senator John Kerry was being pulverized by 40 knot winds. His windsurfing buddy cringed at the sight of a United States Senator being tossed around like a rag doll and splattered time and time again onto the forgiving waters of his beloved state of Massachusetts.

John Kerry: Interview
By John Chao
Not being of a political persuasion, I knew little of the Democratic Senator from Massachusetts. So to have an intelligent interview with such a figure, a politician that’s even been said to have presidential aspirations, was indeed out of my league.