Romancing The Wind
Romancing The Wind

A Blast From The Past
By Laurie Nadel
Everyone remembers the first time . . . like falling in love . . . the gentle kiss, on a summer afternoon, long ago . . . and the first rush, as you realize something wonderful is about to happen.
Romancing The Wind

Paul Hill: Keeper of the Flame
By Brian Thompson
In the spring of ‘93 I returned to LA from an extended job in Key West where I had converted to the religion of windsurfing. Desperately in need of a congregation, I searched the LA area looking for that special shop where I would meet my new windsurfing buddies.
Romancing The Wind

By Rose Scarola
Born in Kailua, Stone is the only true native Hawaiian on the professional windsurfing tour. Like the tires of his van, Josh’s feet are proverbially planted in Hawaiian soil.
Romancing The Wind

Terms of Endearment
By Pat Pawling
While my flat-water sailing has never been described as rhythmic or rapid, my wave sailing is lively, in the sense that a seven-car accident is lively.
Romancing The Wind
Peter Pan Syndrome
By Robert Mahood
What probably jars me the most as a senior windsurfer is the music on most windsurfing videos. Not matter what the boards are doing the music goes kablunka, kablunka, kablunka, kablunka.
Romancing The Wind
Birth of a Wind Junkie & the Woman Who Loves Him
By Alexandra Flood
"PUH-leeze tell me those three little words that mean so much to me."
Romancing The Wind
Is Windsurfing better than Sex?
By Ronald D. Adler
When you get tired or bored with your windsurfing equipment you can trade it in without ruining someone's life.
Romancing The Wind

By Henry Spencer
In case you didn’t know, the grocery store has become a widely accepted, time-honored and civilized place for that boy/girl thang to take place.