Dusk and the 4 hour Church of Elvis
By Maui Meyer
So I was standing in front of the Church of Elvis when this guy came up and … Continue reading “Dusk and the 4 hour Church of Elvis”
Simply Marinating
By Maui Meyer
"Why–in the world–would a man like Roger Brault windsurf?" It must be a metaphor for something...

At Play Off the Shores of the Lord
By Maui Meyer
I had just sat for over an hour listening to Craig Masonville, former windsurfer turned preacher, expound his love for Christ, his devotion to the Word, and his burning desire to spread the Lord’s teachings.
Breakfast with Rhonda Smith-Sanchez
By Maui Meyer
It is early in the morning, May 27th—Opening day for the American crowd here in Hood River. Walking to the local breakfast spot l can see Rhonda coming up the street to join me.