
Skimbat 101
By Carl-Magnus Fogelholm
SKIMBAT is a "flying rig", resembling a small hang glider. In fact, because of the flying properties of the sail, the concept and design parameters of the wingsurfer can be described as a hybrid comprising a traditional windsurfer sail and a hang glider

Fundamentals: Art of Tacking
By Mark Archer
Windsurfing is the sprit of escapism, freedom and the feeling of achievement. Having a divine dance with mother nature is what makes windsurfing such a special and meaningful sport.

Welcome to Paradise!
By Mark Archer
After spending several years as an instructor, I have witnessed many people arrive on their dream windsurfing vacation. I see the strange transformation that often takes place when they first set their eyes on the sun, sand, warm water, and most importantly, the wind. We call this strange affliction the “I gotta’ sail now syndrome.”

Yoga For Windsurfers
By Michael Gebhardt
Think about it. The most important piece of equipment that you own is your body.

Windsurfing for a Better Zen
By Annabella C. Hofman
How To Windsurf for the Rest of Your Life! For those who don’t know what ZEN is all about, here are some of the main aspects...

How-To: Select Your First Board
By AW Staff
Because windsurfing boards come in all shapes and sizes, it can be very confusing to the beginner.

How-To: Explore New Boards
By AW Staff
Windsurfing is really two different sports. It’s like downhill and cross country skiing all packed into one.

How-To: Make It Move
By AW Staff
With all the technical achievements of the twentieth century, today’s windsurfing sail is the most advanced wind powered product available.

How-to: Enjoy Your First Lesson
By Mark Archer
So you want to windsurf? Well what next? The best thing and the only real thing to do is to go out and take a lesson.

How-to: Teach Your Kids
By Emmanuel Lalire
Everything is new to kids when they start windsurfing. So, the first and most important thing to do is to teach it as a game.

A Beginner Lesson
By Mark Archer
One of the first things before you even get out on the water is getting the right mental attitude for it. Don’t worry about getting wet. Just get loosened up.

Do You Need A Clinic???
By Todd M. Eversole
Lucky for you, some of the people who have been windsurfing for twenty years and have had to learn and develop skills on their own, have taken their experience and refined windsurfing instruction into an art form.

How-to: What’s your Speed Limit?
By Meg Mackenzie
Speed sailing is a unique sport, but anyone can do it, even if only to improve their top-end speed.