Featured Articles

Indoor Windsurfing: A French Experience
By John ChaoTo be present is to fully experience the sensual stimulation of action and interaction happening everywhere, no more than a few feet away.

Naomi & Newman Darby
By John ChaoMore than thirty years later, at the age of 70, Newman Darby still goes windsurfing when he hears the call of the wind. Even though the magic sport which Newman and Naomi created together has failed to properly acknowledge them...
Editor’s Note: 5.1
By John Chao
From the infant days of the magazine, this highly-respected shop owner made it clear to the editor that he would never advertise in the magazine if we published a photo of a scantily-clad woman...

Crème de la WindMakers!
They say a picture’s worth a thousand words, and “beauty lies in the eye of the beholder.” We are proud to have among our pages some of the greatest images captured on film
Air Mail

Harnessing Spirit: Images & Legends
I don’t usually correspond to strangers, but since my first AW I feel more at home within those pages than with any other mag.

Plunging to Earth on Aruba
By Michael Weymouth
A few years ago, I was sitting in a shrink’s chair turning fifty. It seems I awoke one morning looking down the not-so-long barrel of life and realized that “whoa,- that’s not light at the end of the tunnel, that’s dark.”
Makin’ Waves

Don’t Get Mad… Get Even…
It seems that Douglas drove 18 hours to a race in Hatteras, and on arrival, found out it had been cancelled.

A Windsurfer’s Shangri-la
By Sue Richards
The same spirit that occupied that legendary hidden valley in the mountains of Tibet prevails in a remarkable resort created and built by Eric Beale on Maui.

Naomi & Newman Darby
By John Chao
More than thirty years later, at the age of 70, Newman Darby still goes windsurfing when he hears the call of the wind. Even though the magic sport which Newman and Naomi created together has failed to properly acknowledge them...

Out Of Africa
By Jud Bartlett
Werber Gnigler is the man behind the boards whose names have become well known to recreational sailors; Comet, Axxis, Xantos, Phoenix. Gnigler is reluctant to take credit for it, but many of his designs have helped guide the development of the sport of windsurfing.

Indoor Windsurfing: A French Experience
By John Chao
To be present is to fully experience the sensual stimulation of action and interaction happening everywhere, no more than a few feet away.

Yoga For Windsurfers
By Michael Gebhardt
Think about it. The most important piece of equipment that you own is your body.

In Search of a Windsurfing Festival
There was wind, water, sun and a happy island. What was billed as the first major international festival had a sputtering start...