The Movers, the Shakers, our WindMakers
Like all of us, American Windsurfer has faced the proverbial problem of the chicken and the egg. Which came first; the chicken or the egg?
Forecast: Premier Issue
By John Chao
American Windsurfer is a publication designed to appeal to a general audience. If you are looking for a steady diet of radical, off the lip, double cheese roll or another publication for the hardcore sailor only, you've found the wrong magazine.
Air Mail
From Down Under to Up and Over
Yo dude. Yes, you have finally succumbed to the numbing arctic winds which are about to surround you once again and totally decimate what is left (right?) of your grey matter. What, you're bored? Is your head bored? With a 3/4 inch wood bit?
Makin’ Waves
The Biggest Catch in Maui… and other fish stories.
Spear fishing has become a lucrative passion for brothers Greg and Alex Aguera. With fellow windsurfer Don Vitarelli, the Agueras helped land the largest Ulua (jack Trevally fish) caught in Maui county, according to the record.
Breakfast with Rhonda Smith-Sanchez
By Maui Meyer
It is early in the morning, May 27th—Opening day for the American crowd here in Hood River. Walking to the local breakfast spot l can see Rhonda coming up the street to join me.

Gone With The Wind
By Henry Allen
It was on a cold, lonely island in Maine that I began to see what windsurfing and maybe the destiny of the human race are all about.
Bay of Dreams
By Trip Forman

The History of the Columbia River Gorge
By Eric Sanford
When Lewis and Clark first made their way down the mighty Columbia River, after having fought their … Continue reading "The History of the Columbia River Gorge"
The Gorge: Now & Then
By Joe Field
Ho’okipa, THE WAVE
By Sam Moses
An Interview with Robby Naish
By John Chao
The Ultimate Boardhead
By Greg Francke
Windsurfing Needs its Roots Back
Club News 2
USWA Volunteers Spearhead Legislative Successes for Windsurfers Across the U.S.
By United States Windsurfing Association